What “Type” Are You?
Learn the Five Criteria for “Type” so you can figure out yours. Knowing your type as an actor can help you be more bookable, especially when you’re just starting out.

Verbs – Let Tim Blake Nelson Tell You How To Do Them
You know what they are. You learned the term back in first grade, or was it second grade? They’re action words. Right. But do you know how valuable they can
The Weight Wait – (Does the way you FEEL about your appearance hold you back?)
The Weight Wait – Does the way you FEEL about your appearance hold you back? Do you feel like you have to look perfect before you can dive into your

What I Learned About Acting From Editing
Want to improve your acting vastly? Get in on an editing session for a film. You’ll see how important intention is and being in the moment. In fact you’ll see

The Importance of Training
Want a great body? Go to the gym. A lot. Want to be a great pianist? Take lessons from a master. And practice. A lot. Want to be a good

Live from the Set of “The Natural”
We talked about it. We prepped it. And now here it is. Witness for yourself the lovely chaos from the set of “The Natural”—the short film written and directed by

Preparing for a Shoot
What exactly does it take to get ready for a film shoot? Watch this video and find out—from actor’s prep to director’s planning. And then, go make your own films

Content Creation
Tired of not being cast? Make your own stuff! It’s not as difficult as it seems. Watch the video, get some ideas, and go win that Oscar!

Cat Got Your Tongue? Muscle Tension Dysphonia
Does your voice ever fail you? Do you feel tension in your throat or it hurts to talk? You may have Muscle Tension Dysphonia. Check out this video to find

Happy 3rd Birthday AIA
Actors In Action is 3 years old! Watch the video and witness the journey of its evolution from one class of six students to the fastest growing acting studio around.

Adaptations – What Are They? And How to Do Them
What exactly is an “Adaptation”? And how would one even start that process on a piece of dramatic literature? Watch the video and you’ll get a glimpse into reworking Sartre’s

Being In The Moment
If you’re an actor you hear it all the time, “be in the moment”. But what exactly does that mean? Personally it took me forever to figure it out. You

AESOP Pilot – The Rough Cut
The director and creator (your’s truly) of AESOP—a post apocalyptic medieval series starring a high-functioning autistic boy—talks about her journey of putting the film together. Could this be the answer

How to Get Started In Acting
Want to get into acting, but have no clue how to start? Watch this video, we’ll get you ready, set to go!

“A Night of Classic Theatre” Cast Discussion
Watch the cast of Scaffold Theatre’s “A Night of Classic Theatre” break it down—what they learned, what they loved, and what better to do the next time. Warning: Hidden gems