Actors and the Side Job
One of the trickiest things about being an actor is supporting yourself financially while you’re waiting for that big break. If you think it means you have to get a

Basic Instincts
Use Your Instincts! How many times have you heard that from an acting teacher or a director or another actor giving you advice? A ton, right? Sage words—unless you have

Help! My Kid wants to be an actor!
Whadda I do??? What if your kid came home from school one day and told you they wanted to be an actor? Would that send you into a panic? Would

The Oscar List
On February 24th . . . It will be the 90th Academy Awards Ceremony! Wow, almost a century, makes a girl think. (I’ll give $50 bucks to whoever knows what

How It Feels To Book A Pilot!
Amy Arburn’s Got It Going On! My student Amy made the move to LA around a year ago and has already booked her first pilot! So proud. If you want

Self-Compassion and the Actor
Hit The Road Jack! Do you ever feel like saying that to those mean voices in your head? That scathing, vicious little voice you would never use on a puppy

The Magic Of Playing Verbs
A Handhold to Brilliance Have you ever heard of playing verbs with acting? Some people call them behaviors or actions, but they are all the same thing. Acting is taking

Ready, Freddie?
Bohemian Rhapsody I was thrilled when I got my SAG screener of Bohemian Rhapsody. I’d always loved Queen when I was a kid, the big anthem songs – We Will

The Low Down On Resumes
Need Help With Your Acting Resume? Are you unsure about how to make your resume look industry standard? You just moved to NYC from LA and are not sure if

No Sundance, Jack
It’s Sundance Time! I live in Utah. And at the end of January something happens. It’s called Sundance. You know, that little film festival that makes or breaks films and

Branding – Going Deeper
We’ve talked about Type and we’ve talked about what Branding is, now we’re going deeper. How do you bring your best, most castible self out into the acting world? What

Our New Saxon/Danish Boyfriend
The Last Kingdom Alexander Dreymon plays Uhtred the Saxon-raised-Dane-turned-back-into-Saxon, sort of, but really-still-a-Dane in Netflix’s The Last Kingdom. The actor is actually German, but raised primarily in France and speaks

The ABC’s Of Acting Success
How Do I Make It In Acting? When you’re an actor it can get overwhelming trying to juggle everything it takes to make it. In this video we break it

Referencing, GOT and Frozen Lakes
Referencing is a technique that is used ALL THE TIME in movies with green screen scenes. ALL THE TIME. If you watch the clip below from Game of Thrones, you’ll

What Do Branding and Tinder Have To Do With Each Other?
What is “branding” for the actor? And how can it help you get more roles? Watch this video and get the low down. We’ve talked about “type” before, now let’s