What Did You Do This Summer . . . For Your Acting?
What did you do this summer? Take it easy? Work like a maniac on different projects? Get an agent? Get new headshots? Recharge in Bermuda? (Must be nice!) Watch this

In our modern, busy and tech savvy world, self-taping is becoming more and more prevalent. Learn how to ace the self-taping thing by watching this video. Learn what the most

455 Years Old
If Shakespeare were alive today April 23, 2019 he’d be 455 years old and we’d (hopefully) have about 296 more of his plays! He wrote 37 in total and lived

Voice Work: Arthur Lessac
Do you need to work on your voice and speech? There are many techniques from masters of voice work for actors such as Cicely Berry, Kristin Linklater, Patsy Rodenburg, but

Rejection: How to Handle It!
Rejection is a reality of being an actor. And learning to handle it well is important for an actor’s mental health and overall success. Watch the video below to find

Is It Worth It?
Invincible Daenerys? Turns out while we were all enthralled watching Daenerys Targaryen ride on dragons and march Dothraki armies to take back her rightful throne, Emilia Clarke, the actress playing

And we’re not talking about the gameshow. What does jeopardy mean and what does it have to do with acting and writing for the film and stage? I’ll give you

Turkish GOT
Move Over Ned Stark & Co. The other week while looking for things to watch on Netflix, my husband and I stumbled on to something. I’m a sucker for swords

Playwriting 101
Do you have in idea bursting out of you to write about? A play? A script? A episodic? But you just don’t know how to brith that sucker? Watch the

If The Shoe Fits . . .
Casting and Shoe Shopping . . . What do they have to do with each other? How about EVERYTHING. Huh? You say. We’ll let’s think about it. The average actor

Getting Started with Voice Overs
Do people tell you you have a good voice? That you should be doing voice overs? Great! But did you know there is so much more to voice over work

4 Memorization Techniques! Hello! There’s something we don’t really talk about as actors . . . and no, it’s not that $500k+ earners don’t have to pay into SAG. It’s

SAG: To Join or Not To Join
No clue about joining the Union? So confused about what SAG Eligibility is? Do the pink vouchers count for getting me in? Find out everything you need to know about

Best Places to Kick-Off Your Acting Career
by Guest Blogger Sally Norton Location, Location, Location The fact is that acting is nothing like other professions. It has its own advantages, disadvantages and of course actors’ hubs. If

Dress 4 Success!
Want to get an edge on the competition? Want to give yourself a boost? Take a shower and get those togs on! Nothing feels quite as good as looking your